Balto-trilogy Wiki

The Bear is an antagonist of Balto. He attacks Balto and his friends on their way to find Steele's team.


The Bear is a huge, jet black grizzly bear with orange eyes and long claws. The bear has a stocky body.

Character Summary

The Bear appears in Balto when Balto, Boris, Muk and Luk are traveling through the Alaskan Wilderness on their way to find Steele's Team. He attacks the group and nearly kills Balto, but Jenna attacks the bear and saves him. He throws Jenna off of him and injures her shoulder. He follows Balto down to the Frozen Lake, but falls through the ice and is assumed to have drowned.

Movie Appearances and Storyline

When Balto and his friends are traveling through the woods, he suddenly hears something and sees movement a little ways away. He urges them to keep moving. After Muk and Luk throw a snowball at Boris, the goose turns on them. The bears look terrified, and Boris backs up into The Bear. He looks up at it in horror as it snarls.

The Bear starts to attack Boris, but Balto leaps at it and tries to keep it away from his friends. The Bear pins Balto into the snow and raises an arm to kill him, but Jenna leaps at him and bites into his arm. The Bear shakes her lose and returns his attention to Balto, but Jenna leaps at him again, this time throwing him off balance and nearly onto Muk and Luk. He throws Jenna off of him and corners Balto into a bush. Balto moves away and rolls down a hill onto the frozen lake. The Bear follows and stands on his hind legs, but breaks through the ice. He tries to hold on, but falls in and is assumed to have drowned.


*NOTE - These are a select few images. More images can be found in Balto Screenshots, as well as the movie and reference art pages.



Production Drawings

